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How to make a Octopus, Red Mullet, Shrimp and Artichokes PAELLA recipe.

Ingredients for this recipe

By way of guidance the paella exposed is 4 full rations. Let’s to quantify the ingredients for 4 diners whose proportion can multiply to make it bigger:

      • 500 g./ 17,64 oz. Fresh octopus
      • 4 red mullet
      • 4 Prawns
      • 250 g/ 8,82 oz Mussels
      • 3 Artichokes
      • 1 Tomate
      • 400 g/ 14,11 oz rice
      • 8 tablespoonful oil
      • Octopus broth
      • 1 little tablespoonful paprika
      • A pinch of saffron otherwise saffron dye
      • Salt


Preparatión time: 20 minutos

Cooking time: 40 minutos

People: 4 dinners


To make this paella we used octopus, red mullet, prawns, mussels and artichokes.

Artichokes can be changed for baby broad bean depending on taste and season. The base of the paella is the octopus cooking broth.

Before cooking the octopus is recommended to have been frozen at least 12 hours in order to soften its fibers.


Add some oil that serves to level the pan … the oil should be centered. Add some salt too, and light the fire!

When the oil is hot, add the artichokes We start to fry


When the artichokes are browned add grated or crushed tomato, fry for two or three minutes along with the artichokes.

On this point, add rice, stir and add paprika. Fry rice and paprika along with vegetables.


Add the broth, we add twice broth than rice. Season with salt, the amount will go to taste, you should keep taste during the process. Add saffron too. Stir to blend.

On this point we also add the cooked octopus, the red mullets, the prawns and the mussels that will be placed decorating the paella No stir again not to break the rice grain.

Strong heat up to start to boil. Fire is essential in this process, the aim is that at 20 minutes of cooking the rice is cooked and the paella without broth, more fire less water and vice versa.


After 20 minutes of cooking, the paella should be dry and the rice cooked, let it rest and ready to eat, delicious!!